Over the years, Luci d'Artista has engaged in an activity of recovery, restoration and modernisation of the light installations in its vast collection. The heritage of light installations is fragile and delicate, due to their very characteristics and positioning. For this reason, a great deal of effort is put into the restoration and renovation of the lights every year, making them, among other things, more environmentally friendly and modern.
For years, Consulta per la Valorizzazione dei Beni Artistici e Culturali di Torino and Unione Industriali have been actively contributing to the restoration of the Luci d'Artista collection. An example of this is the intervention carried out in 2023, of a permanent, complex and articulated light such as Marco Gastini's L'energia che unisce si espande nel blu (The energy that unites expands in blue), the restoration of which has at the same time given new life and light to its location: the Galleria Umberto I near Porta Palazzo. All the lighting elements of Gastini's work, a total of 750 metres of structure, have been entirely replaced by new, more sustainable LED tubes.
In addition, the contribution of industry also made possible the restoration of two other historical light installations, in 2022, Rebecca Horn's Piccoli Spiriti blu (Small Blue Spirits) at Monte dei Cappuccini and, this year, Mario Merz's Il volo dei numeri (The Flight of Numbers) at the Mole Antonelliana.